Designer Kim Rieul updated his Instagram account on the matter: "I sincerely apologize for canceling the first auction. It's been really hard for the past 2 weeks."
Thank you, allKpop for reporting the facts ! You are absolutely right, it’s the akgaes at work they are too jealous of JM achievements. Instead of spending energy supporting their own favourite artists, they spent so much energy trying to shade the most talented JM. Do they really think this will increase their fav popularity? We can’t understand their poor behaviours . Thanks again.
30(+50 / -20)
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name1236,597 ptsThursday, April 22, 2021 3
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Wtf....why are people jealous of Jimin....HE IS THE KING.... THIS IS RIDICULOUS
Thank you, allKpop for reporting the facts ! You are absolutely right, it’s the akgaes at work they are too jealous of JM achievements. Instead of spending energy supporting their own favourite artists, they spent so much energy trying to shade the most talented JM. Do they really think this will increase their fav popularity? We can’t understand their poor behaviours . Thanks again.
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