Posted by tomoonmoonie7888 pts Sunday, March 21, 2021
The RBW artist and Vromance member Janghyun has gotten married today in a ceremony. He had previously announced his marriage through a post on a fan cafe last year and told fans that he would be registering his marriage in August. He also thanked fans for all the support and encouragement he received from them in the post.
Vromance members Chandong and Hyunkyu were present at the wedding ceremony today and posted clips of the wedding.
vromance are so amazing; seeing most of the members together is nice! Janghyun singing to his wife was incredibly sweet and she really looks beautiful; her dress... wow...
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runner_4ever430 ptsSunday, March 21, 2021 0
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Congratulations! I hope Vromance will get recognition the deserve! 🙂
vromance are so amazing; seeing most of the members together is nice! Janghyun singing to his wife was incredibly sweet and she really looks beautiful; her dress... wow...