Earlier on March 3, 'Dispatch' released an exclusive report claiming that alleged former classmate 'B', who accused actress Park Hye Soo of bullying them in middle school, may have been fabricating some of the accusations.
But now, a new interview released by media outlet 'Sports Seoul' claims differently.
According to this 'Sports Seoul' report, former school bullying assailants 'C' and 'D', who were identified as the "real assailants" in the 'Dispatch' report, have come forward to give their accounts of the event.
First, 'D' admitted that he was guilty of assaulting his classmate in the past. 'D' said, "I have apologized to 'B', and we are on good terms. Yes, it's true that I am one of the people who assaulted 'B' that time. Park Hye Soo was there during the first incidence of assault, at the karaoke room. At the time, Park Hye Soo told me that ''B' is saying bad things about you behind your back,' and egged me on, so I hit 'B'. It's true that I was easily provoked in those days. I slapped 'B' in the face. I remember that. I do not remember which karaoke room it might have been."
'D' continued, "I was not there when 'B' was assaulted the second time. The third time, me, Park Hye Soo, and one other person all assaulted 'B' at a playground. 'B' was hurt badly. I hit them the most. Yes, I am guilty of assaulting 'B' from that time. I have nothing to lie about. If anyone is testifying that 'Park Hye Soo did not assault 'B', that would be coming from someone who was not there at all at the time of the incident, or someone who maybe was watching from afar. From my perspective, I can't help but feel that they are lying."
Next, 'C' also gave their account of the events. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about participating in this interview. I am guilty of assaulting 'B' and also of being a bystander while others assaulted them. When I saw 'B's interview about their past experiences, I felt so much regret and sorrow. But Park Hye Soo is still hiding behind her agency without confronting any of this head on. I was there during the first incident of assault and the third. The reason that I hit 'B' was because Park Hye Soo told me, ''B' cursed out your friend'. So when I saw reports that said Park Hye Soo was not at the karaoke room, I was baffled. I cannot disagree with this more."
'C' added on regarding the incident of assault at the playground, "There were a lot of people around when it happened. Both another male student and Park Hye Soo hit 'B'. I remember 'B' was covered in blood. A third of 'B's shirt was covered in blood. I'm worried for 'B', since Park Hye Soo has a company to represent her, but 'B' is only an ordinary civilian. I do not feel it is right to continue denying that anything ever happened, when there was clearly wrongdoing involved and there were so many witnesses."
Finally, 'C' stated, "A long time after the incident, when we became adults, I reconnected with 'B' over drinks. 'B' opened up to me about that memory. I did not realize how 'B' was traumatized by the incident. I felt horrible and apologized to them in tears. 'B' accepted my apology."
Meanwhile, Park Hye Soo's label Studio Santa Claus has declined from giving a statement when contacted by 'Sports Seoul'.
It's true that I'm a lier but believe that I'm telling the truth. Come on...2 attentions seeker
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