Pentagon's Hui bids fans & his members farewell for a short while as he begins his mandatory service
Posted by Susan-Han Thursday, February 18, 2021
On February 18, Pentagon's Hui began his mandatory military service by enlisting as a new recruit for the required 4-week basic training.
On this morning, Hui shared photos of his clean-shaven head as he headed toward his basic training center. The idol can also be seen snapping a photo with his fellow members Shinwon and Yuto, as the boys see their leader off.
Meanwhile, Hui will be carrying out his mandatory service as a social worker after his initial 4-week military training. Best of luck to Hui!
Meanwhile, Pentagon are currently gearing up for their first comeback as 7-members.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 😭 iknewthisdaywascomingandithoughtiwaspreparedbutistilhateitsomuch