Kim So Hye has bullying rumors once again.
A netizen posted on Nate Pann, bringing rumors of the former IOI member's bullying once again. Kim So Hye had been accused of bullying back in 2017, where someone had said that Kim So Hye had dragged a fellow student by their hair and had gotten fined by the school's anti-bullying committee after investigations. However, there had been a lack of proof back then and her label had said any false rumors would result in legal action.
It has come up once again as a netizen posted, writing, "I didn't get hit myself and I didn't know if the victim wanted to reveal it so I never wrote about it. But her fans are being so bald-faced that I wanted to write about it." The netizen posted photos of the graduation album, saying, "Fans said it's useless but here you go, anyway."
She then wrote, "Kim So Hye was Class 1-1, #10, in Sookmyung Girls' Middle School. Her homeroom teacher was Kim Sang Yong. The reason why I remember is because my class number was close to hers, so we sat pretty close and our music room seats were close too. I was sitting near her as usual in the music room, but Kim So Hye was talking about how a girl was looking at her phone while she was talking, so she got pissed and pulled on her hair, made her kneel down and hit her. She said she was standing and the girl was sitting on the bench. Kim So Hye had followed Heo J* Won (she's from Gaeil Elementary, Kim So Hye didn't go to Gaeil) to a meet-up to see her friends. I'm from Gaeil so I knew who the victim was just by her name. I still remember how pissed she said she was and made the gesture of hitting someone with her hands. I was so shocked. Before that, Kim So Hye was pretty famous for being a bad student but I didn't think she would go around hitting people. And I couldn't believe she was boasting about it. She not only bragged about hitting the girl but told the boy she liked and said the girl was pathetic. There were a lot of people present when the victim got hit and some of the people (Like Kim N* Kyung) even wrote confessions. It's not even that the school buried it. The homeroom teacher yelled her name and she got her class vice president role taken away so everyone in her class knew about it. The person in charge of records became vice president of the class for the rest of the semester. Fans ask why her classmates all know about this but it's because she herself talked about it."
She continued, "There's more. Her boyfriend Lee S* Min (apparently he went to an alternative school later) used our school's back entrance as he wanted so the students who used to use it had to go around to use the front entrance, which had a guard. When we had a competition about writing or drawing about our future, one of our classmates complained to herself a few times. Kim So Hye suddenly got up and kicked her table and said, 'I usually don't touch our school students'. There's so much that I saw and heard myself so if she wants to sue me, she should think about suing herself."
She posted a photo of a KakaoTalk Story and wrote, "I was her KakaoTalk Story friend so I saw everything, and it's shocking that she'd say they were all made up. The Donggyun that's in her profile is not the alternative school boyfriend but someone she met at cram school. This screenshot is not mine - it's just something that she said was made up, but it's not. Everything about Jung W* Jin is true, too."

She further revealed that she censored the other girls' names because they did not contribute to Kim So Hye's bullying, and that she had posted because Kim So Hye's fans were so adamant that it was all fake and that Kim So Hye was the actual victim.
What do you think about all that's going on?
So #metoo bullying edition has started in Korea
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