An emergency message was posted on the YouTube channel of popular Korean YouTuber and streamer, Gamst (Kim In Jik).
The YouTube channel has more than 2 million subscribers and the message was posted by the channel's manager and is causing many of his fans to worry and grow concerned over the YouTuber.
On January 26th, Gamst's YouTube channel manager posted the message revealing that the YouTuber had gone missing and the manager cannot get in contact with him either.

They wrote:
"Hello, this is Gamst YouTube channel. In fact, we are not able to reach Gamst and there is no one at his home so it is difficult to say anything. I think it would be best if everyone waits for an announcement! Please do not worry and just enjoy the videos."

Currently, there has not been an update about the YouTuber's whereabouts nor any announcement that the YouTuber was found.
Fans are still worrying about Gamst and leaving comments of concern on his YouTube channel videos. They are wishing for his well-being and hoping he is found without harm.

i heard my friend talking about him a few months ago, hopefully he gets found safe and healthy soon.