'Home Alone' ('I Live Alone') on MBC showcases the lives of single celebrities. Hwa Sa has been a member of the show for quite some time now, and she has definitely made an impression on viewers. From cooking instant noodles to video gaming, Hwa Sa has shown just how relatable she can be through her daily activities.
1. Enjoying instant noodles
Instant noodles are loved because of the easy cooking process, low price, and delicious taste. Hwa Sa revealed her recipe for truffle jajang ramen and how to elevate it with egg to create a more flavorful dish. There's also probably nothing more relatable than eating instant noodles in your pajamas at home.
2. Connecting to her inner gamer
Even though you may not own a vintage arcade game like Hwa Sa, playing video games is still a universal experience you can relate to. When Hwa Sa revealed her passion for gaming in an older episode of 'Home Alone,' the intense look in her eyes while she played is something all serious gamers are familiar with.
3. Having an impromptu fashion show
K-Pop stars are known for their chic fashion sense and Hwa Sa is no exception. She decided to have an impromptu fashion show, showcasing versatile outfits like a green jumpsuit and a dark polka dot dress. Having a mini fashion show at home is a great way to experiment with different looks.
4. Everyday makeup routine
Hwa Sa's everyday routine is not as complex as you may think. When she's at home, she doesn't have a makeup artist to assist her. Just like the rest of us, she uses the tools she has to achieve an everyday look.
5. Eating something you've been craving
Cravings: sometimes you want a particular dish and nothing else will satisfy you. In an older episode of 'Home Alone,' Hwa Sa shared that she was craving marinated crabs. The unmistakable look of satisfaction on Hwa Sa's face when she began to eat was priceless.
The more I see Hwasa’s real personality, the more I like her. “Corona! F*** you!” 😂😂