NEW Post by an alleged acquaintance of EXO Chanyeol claims ex-girlfriend post was made-up by a friend whom Chanyeol refused to give money + SM announces legal actions against malicious rumors
Posted by theharshtruth1,551 pts Monday, November 2, 2020
After a post by an alleged ex-girlfriend caused controversy about EXO's Chanyeol claiming he cheated with idols, BJS, and flight attendants during their relationship, a new post stirred social media. The post was made a few hours after the controversial post.
The netizen that claims to be an acquaintance of both Chanyeol and the said ex-girlfriend, shared that due to many rumors being spread, he felt like he needed to share, what actually happened. The acquaintance explains that in fact, it's no ex-girlfriend that made the post but a normal friend of his and Chanyeol that held a grudge against the idol for not lending money. According to the post, that friend would often threaten Chanyeol for money, which he would refuse to give, so he/she would curse Chanyeol and would talk badly behind his back. The poster adds that this friend is delusional, would even go as far as threatening Chanyeol's parents and that all the things, including the pictures that have been posted, are not real and are completely "groundless" rumors and lies. The post finishes up with the acquaintance saying that they think the situation must be made clear since now the truth is out and that the name of that person should be revealed.
Seems like SM and Chanyeol are handling the situation privately as SM has announced legal action for all lies and rumors spread against their artist just 1 hour ago on their social media. Here are pictures of the posts by SM and that acquaintance and translations:
People need to think before they lash out. It’s likely that Chanyeol wanted to handle things privately instead of immediately taking legal action. He probably know this person and their family well. He’s an adult, almost 30 years old and could’ve released a statement on his own without SM but he didn’t. Y’all need to stop jumping on SM at every chance they get, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and what the artists themselves want
62(+78 / -16)
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Msgulfkat7587,154 ptsMonday, November 2, 2020 3
Monday, November 2, 2020
Lets start over from the beginning. Chanyeol supporters said? How do we know there IS a GF? Haters said, kick him out, he is scum. Chanyeol supporters said We should wait to see if an actual person comes forward. Haters said, that poor woman, she put up with a lot. Chanyeol supporters said, What if this isn't true. Haters said, We KNOW its true, based on blah, blah, blah. So, Chanyeol supporters are apparently correct, and haters once again cancelling someone based on flimsy reasons. What HAVE we learned? Loyalty trumps baseless bullshit every time.
People need to think before they lash out. It’s likely that Chanyeol wanted to handle things privately instead of immediately taking legal action. He probably know this person and their family well. He’s an adult, almost 30 years old and could’ve released a statement on his own without SM but he didn’t. Y’all need to stop jumping on SM at every chance they get, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes and what the artists themselves want
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