
Popular Korean hip-hop label releases official statement after five of its rappers are caught illegally smoking marijuana

Posted by Dani-Dee Monday, October 19, 2020

A Korean hip-hop label is opening up after five of their signed rappers are caught smoking marijuana.

The statement is in response to a Channel A evening news report on October 19 KST that stated MKIT Rain rappers Nafla, Loopy, BLOO, Owen, and Young West had trouble with the law after being caught smoking marijuana last year. They were questioned by police last year on drug charges and, during the interrogation, admitted to the accusations.

Shortly after the news report was released, MKIT Rain took to the agency's official social media accounts to write, "All of our artists were investigated last year for smoking marijuana. At the time of the police investigation, all of the artists faithfully conducted the investigation in accordance with the necessary legal procedures, and all urine tests tested negative."

However, during the interrogation process, the rappers admitted smoking marijuana in 2019 and were eventually suspended from prosecution for the case this past July. Young West is currently on trial.

"All of the members of MKIT Rain admit their mistakes, sincerely regret them, and are deeply self-reflecting. The company also feels a heavy responsibility for the occurrence of such an unsavory incident,"
the label's source continued. "The agency has come up with measures to prevent recurrence and to take strong measures in the future to prevent such incidents from happening again."

The MKIT Rain source also claims that internal management methods have been completely changed, and they are closely monitoring each artist.

Meanwhile, Nafla is known as the winner of 'Show Me The Money 777,' which Loopy was the 1st runner up. The two have since collaborated with a number of K-Pop artists including Henry Lau, Heize, Girls' Generation's Hyoyeon, and Baek Ye Rin. BLOO is also known for his recent hit single "Downtown Baby," which rose music charts after Lee Hyo Ri sangs it on the MBC variety show 'Hangout With Yoo.' Owen is currently filming 'Show Me The Money 9.' Mnet has yet to release a statement regarding whether this new information will affect his apperance.

MKIT Rain's Instagram statement can be seen below.

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[공식입장] 메킷레인 레코즈 소속 아티스트 대마초 흡연 혐의 기소유예 처분 기사 관련 ⠀ ⠀ 안녕하세요. 메킷레인 레코즈입니다. ⠀ 금일 방송 및 언론 기사 등을 통해 보도된 메킷레인 레코즈 소속 아티스트 대마초 흡연 혐의 기소유예 처분 건에 관한 당사의 공식 입장을 전합니다. 앞서, 소속 아티스트들과 관련된 소식을 접하고 많은 실망과 충격을 받았을 모든 분들께 머리 숙여 죄송하다는 말씀드립니다. ⠀ 당사의 소속 아티스트 전부는 지난해 대마초 흡연 혐의로 조사를 받았습니다. 경찰 조사 당시 전 아티스트가 필요한 법적 절차에 따라 성실히 조사에 임했으며 소변 검사에서 전부 음성 판정을 받았습니다. 그러나 이 과정에서 2019년 대마초를 흡연한 사실을 시인, 7월 해당 사건에 대해 최종적으로 기소 유예 처분을 받았으며, 영웨스트는 현재 재판 진행 중입니다. ⠀ 이에 대해 메킷레인 레코즈 멤버 전원은 잘못을 인정하고 진심으로 후회하며 깊이 반성하고 있습니다. 당사 역시 이러한 불미스러운 사태가 발생한 것에 대하여 무거운 책임을 통감하고 있습니다. ⠀ 또다시 이와 같은 일이 발생하지 않도록 소속사 차원에서 재발방지 대책 및 자체 징계 방안을 마련하였으며 앞으로 강력히 대처할 예정입니다. ⠀ 현재 경영진은 물론 내부 매니지먼트 방식 역시 전면 교체하였으며 각 아티스트들의 사생활 등에 대한 부분을 면밀히 관리하며 체크하고 있습니다. ⠀ 앞으로 당사는 소속 아티스트들에 대한 관리에 더욱더 최선을 다할 것입니다. ⠀ 메킷레인 레코즈를 항상 사랑해주시는 팬 여러분들과 진심 어린 관심으로 대해주셨을 모든 분들께 심려를 끼쳐 드린 점 다시 한번 죄송하다는 말씀 전합니다.

A post shared by MKIT RAIN (@mkitrain) on

  1. Nafla
  2. LOOPY
  3. BLOO
  4. OWEN
41 48,324 Share 82% Upvoted
83degrees4,524 pts Monday, October 19, 2020 4
Monday, October 19, 2020

I feel like, Korea could use lax laws on weed. Sorry. But then maybe they wouldn't freak out over a congresswomans dress or drive celebrities to suicide bc they take "weird" pictures with their cats 🤷🏽‍♀️

30 (+37 / -7)

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TheMooseLordLee1,720 pts Monday, October 19, 2020 8
Monday, October 19, 2020

It’s illegal here in Australia too but no one even cares if you do smoke it. I’m personally not for it and yes it’s illegal but it’s also not like they’re doing something than seriously puts others in harms way. I’m also always curious as to how people (Celebrities/idols etc) actually get caught, I’d assume they’re pretty careful.

18 (+21 / -3)

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