MAMAMOO member Solar recently got a DNA test kit to find out about her ancestry.
On October 22, Solar posted a video with the title "I wasn't 100% Korean" on her YouTube channel Solarsido. In the episode, she revealed the result of the DNA test.

She stated that she was filming for a paid advertisement for YouWho, the program to find the ancestry lineage. She stated this was a kit that you can find who you really are.
After she completed collecting her DNA, she went into the YouWho website to become a member. Then she sent in her DNA to the address provided in the kit.

A few days later, she revealed the result of the test in the same episode. She was able to find out that she was only 52.33% Korean through the test.
According to the DNA test, Solar was 52.33% Korean, 24.89% Japanese, 17.78% Chinese, 2.55% Mongolian, and 2.4% Southeast Asian. Overall, the result showed that she was 99.95% East Asian. The test also revealed that she was 0.05% sub-Saharan African as well.

Solar was surprised that she was 0.05% sub-Saharan African and stated that she's never been to Africa, but her lineage is partially there.
However, she concluded that she was pure Korean, with 52.33% Korean compared to other Koreans who did the testing. On average, Korean people who receive the testing receive a result of 49.6% Korean. Therefore, Solar concluded that she is undeniably Korean. She also stated she's a Korean food lover, loves the folklore and traditional villages.
She was surprised that the test would give such a detailed list of her heritage DNA.
Is there even such a thing as being 100% one ethnicity in 2020? I actually don't think that's genetically possible.
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