Many of staffs like Make-Up artists, stylists, dancers and more who worked hard with Red Velvet since their debut until now (6 years) testified for Irene of Accusations for her behaviour. Here are the proofs.
Disclaimer : all credits to folowerene39

Many of staffs like Make-Up artists, stylists, dancers and more who worked hard with Red Velvet since their debut until now (6 years) testified for Irene of Accusations for her behaviour. Here are the proofs.
Disclaimer : all credits to folowerene39
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Face washing much. One thing doesn't invalidate another. The sentiments and pain of the ones that suffered her bulling matter and even if your entire life you where nice but you bullied one person you need to learn about it, get accountable and be called out for your wrongdoing. Now she need to change, learn from her mistakes and not do it again.
Most people are kind at times and rude at others, so this means nothing to me. I think the people who are unhappy that she treated someone so poorly - and has done so multiple times in the past - don't think that she's rude all of the time. Everyone has their good and their bad moments
BUT most people don't let their bad moments be moments they have in public, most people aren't rude to others to the point that they feel incredibly jilted (especially once they have reached adulthood) and IF they are, it's uncommon AND something they apologise for. Although even with all of this considered, few people would dare treat people they are working with poorly. Even if you're having a really bad day, must people regulate their behaviour, even if that means excusing themselves.
While I DO BELIEVE that there are MANY people Irene has been kind to, it would seem that there are MANY that she has not. The positives do not make it so people should ignore the negatives, nor the other way around.
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