[TW] Netizens are furious after video surfaces where audible slaps can be heard in a recent Fanatics V-Live
Posted by Yanderedan3,450 pts Wednesday, September 16, 2020
[TW// Assault]
In a recent V-Live in which rookie group Fanatics participated in, netizens are speculating about a possible assault by a staff member.
In the minute-long video clip, netizens are saying that a male staff member wanted the girls to show more. In response, a female staff member gave the other girls a jumper to cover themselves with. Then in the background, you can hear people talking, possibly arguing, and the girls looking to see what is going on. Then a loud slap could be heard following the girls trying to give the jumper back to other staff. After which there is a moment of pause as the girls try to move on but feel unnerved at what took just took place.
Diamond_White536 ptsWednesday, September 16, 2020 3
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Instead of feeling bad for the girls, who were just watching as a staff member got slapped. Shouldn’t we be feeling bad for the female staff member who got slapped just for looking out for the girls?!
47(+48 / -1)
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chillaxin1,665 ptsWednesday, September 16, 2020 0
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
If that’s what happened that’s scary! What happens when no cameras are around?!?!?
Instead of feeling bad for the girls, who were just watching as a staff member got slapped. Shouldn’t we be feeling bad for the female staff member who got slapped just for looking out for the girls?!
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