On September 24, rapper Microdot announced his return with a new album, approximately a year after his parents received prison sentences for committing fraud.
The rapper greeted the public with a new Instagram account on this day, stating that his old account had been hacked. He then announced the release of his new album 'Prayer', set for release on September 25 at 12 PM KST.
The rapper added on, "I put into the lyrics many of the thoughts that I've wanted to say to you all in the past 2 years. The first song that I want you to listen to is the song 'Responsibilities'. I was careful about returning with new music and it was an album production process weighed down with a lot of debate and concern, but I decided to have courage. I pray that my thoughts and worries from the past 2 years will reach you sincerely."
2 years ago, Microdot halted all of his entertainment activities after numerous victims came forward to accuse Microdot's parents of committing fraud over 20 years ago. His parents borrowed large amounts of money from numerous neighbors then fled the country, leaving the debts unpaid.
In October of 2019, the court found both of Microdot's parents guilty of fraud and sentenced his father to 3 years in prison, and his mother to 1 year in prison.

Not his fault but his reaction and action to the whole thing was so bad, I wonder how will Korean people react.