Jay Park gave advice to women in 'Cosmopolitan' magazine.
In an interview with 'Cosmopolitan', Jay Park talked about his compilation album 'Red Tape: H1GHR' and upcoming release 'Blue Tape: H1GHR', saying, "Compilation albums are difficult to do because there are so many songs and participants. I haven't been able to do it because I didn't even think about it, but we agreed to do it together with Sik-K's military enlistment [this past June]."
The rapper continued, "I made 2 parts - Red Tape and Blue Tape - which includes our style, our abilities, and our burning passion that we haven't shown to the world yet. By comparison, Blue is more comfortable and easy for the public to listen to," adding, "It's really worth looking forward to. It should be sensational. It would be great if this album became a sensation, but I'm satisfied with just leaving a good song behind in Korean hip hop history."
On advice to women, Jay Park said, "You should have people beside you who don't pass out too many compliments and don't undermine you. It's not important whether someone makes a lot of money, buys nice things, and has a good car. It's important to have a good friend you can make a life together with."
Check out Jay Park's pictorial below!

I really think people hear Jay Parks words and immediately go for the negative. He is saying the same thing my mom has always said. Don’t be blinded by the compliments and the things he buys you, make sure you find someone who is your friend. You need someone that will be there for you. Where did you guys read him saying “ women are gullible and gold diggers”? Y’all are really making it deeper than it is. Y’all love to hate someone that ain’t your cup of tea.
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