
Yellow Bee disbands + Agency responds to sexual harassment claims

Posted by Anubis33563,315 pts Thursday, August 6, 2020

Notice: I decided to make this post because I made articles about Yellow Bee in the past, and I think that the posts made by AKP editors were incomplete or mixed things up.

Rookie Girl Group Yellow Bee, under Addiction Entertainment, has disbanded. The group debuted on November 23, 2017, with members Berry, Boyeon, Rozy, Seona, and Somee. After an unsuccessful M/V release and lack of promotions, the agency decided to keep the name and re-debut the group with a totally new line-up.

This new group consisted of Ryuhee, Annie, Soye, Ari, and Seolha. They released their debut single "DVD" on July 2, 2019.

This new line-up seemed more successful than the last, even going to Japan for promotions. The agency was far more active in terms of promotions and they even produced a group vlog for their Youtube Channel.

In May 2020, the Agency decided to delay Yellow Bee's comeback amid the COVID-19 pandemic. They notified fans that their comeback would be in June.

On July 12, however, Addiction Entertainment announced that the group would disband. They pointed out - through a now-deleted post - that the main reason for this was due to "Member B" promiscuous lifestyle and issues with other members. After being called out by fans for "slut-shaming", the company decided to edit this post. They deleted all posts related to Yellow Bee shortly after.

Fans were left dumbfounded by the abrupt decision and the rather strange motives behind the said decision.

Since then, member Ari decided to step up and refute the agency's claims. She pointed out on a lengthy Instagram post, that the only thing that was promiscuous was the agency itself. She pointed out that the group was mistreated by the company, and that managers and company officials engaged in sexual harassment and molestation acts. According to her, staff would often touch members, and some of them forced members to call them "Oppas". A member was almost dragged out to another room to sleep with a staff member. She also claims that the group was mismanaged and mistreated during their Japanese promotions. The members were left alone at Korea's airport and they were told to book a flight to Japan. They were left stranded for 8 hours at Gimpo airport until they had to travel on their own to another airport to catch the cheapest flight they could find. While in Japan, the CEO of the company decided to head back to Korea, leaving all the members on their own. The group decided that if the mistreatment were to continue, they would disband.

After that, the agency decided to tell its version of the story.

They announced they would meet with YellowBee's members except for "Promiscuous Member B". They tried to clarify a situation that happened during a fan sign event, where a manager said something along the lines of "I'd like to have a baby with you" to a member. The 
company claims that they reprimanded this comment and that the manager has since left the company. They also stated that the person trying to drag members to other rooms was a music video producer called "Yoonxx" that was outsourced by the company and that the CEO, manager and other staff tried to fight Yoonxx over this, getting into a verbal altercation. The company ended their statement apologizing to all members and fans.

Addiction Entertainment is currently searching members for a boy group.

You can read Ari's and Addiction Entertainment's statements below.

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안녕하세요 아리 입니다 . 글이 조잡해도 이해 부탁 드리겠습니다 . 일단 일이 이렇게 커진만큼 저희가 꼭 해명을 해야 겠다는 생각이 들었습니다. 해명글을 쓸 만큼 유명한 그룹은 아니지만 , 지금 나온 기사들이 데뷔 할 때 보다 더 많은 관심을 받고 있기 때문에 저희에겐 이만큼의 관심도 정말 큰 관심이라 당황스러웠고 , 그만큼 이야기가 부풀려 나갔기 때문입니다 . 회사에서 그 멤버가 문란 하다고 하는데 회사가 말한 ' 문란 ' 이라는 단어가 무슨 뜻인지 잘 모르겠습니다 . 밖에 남녀가 같이 서 있기만 한 것도 문란인가요? 그럼 모든 사람들이 문란한 건가요? 문란은 정말 사실 무근이고 , 회사에서 부풀려 말을 한 것 입니다 . 문란한 행동을 그 멤버가 한 것이 아니고 , 회사가 했다고 해도 무방 합니다 . 회사에서는 일단 회사 관계자와 매니저가 성희롱 성추행 하는 행동들이 있었습니다 . 회사 관계자였던 그 분은 한 멤버를 끌고 연습실로 가서 잠 자리를 하려 했고 , 그 상황에 모든 사람들이 있었으며 , 끌고 가는걸 말리는 사람은 오직 멤버들 뿐 이었습니다 . 또한 오빠라고 불러라 라고 말하거나 허벅지를 만지는 등 신체 접촉이 있었고 , 전 매니저 라는 그 분은 애기 낳아줄테니 모텔 가자 , ' 아빠는 너가 알아서 찾아 ' 라는 말 등 입에 담기 힘든 말들을 하곤 했습니다 . 그리고 새벽에 불러서 투자자 랍시고 술을 권한적도 여러 차례 있었습니다 . 저희는 가수가 되고 싶다는 그 생각 하나에 다들 쉬쉬하고 지나갔습니다 . 그 당시에는 정말 충격적이였고 , 아직까지도 기억에 트라우마로 남아 있습니다 . 또한 , 정산도 전혀 없었고 , 되려 의상 이나 신발 영상 편집 저희가 직접 한 부분이 있습니다 . 그리고 일본 스케줄을 갈 당시에도 대표님 혼자 새벽 5시 출발인데 저희 태워줄 사람이 본인 밖에 없다고 저희를 5시까지 김포공항으로 데리고 가고 저희한테 카드 한장 주면서 비행기 티켓 알아서 예매 하고 일본으로 넘어 오라는 말 한마디 남기고 혼자 떠나셨습니다 . 저희는 비행기 예매를한번도 해 본적이 없던 상황이였고 , 리더인 류희만 폰이 있어서 그 폰 하나로 비행기 티켓을 구하기 위해 이곳 저곳 연락을 해서 어렵게 구했습니다 . 비행기도 비싼거를 못타서 그나마 싼거 찾느라 오래 걸렸던 것이고요 . 그때 시각이 오후 1시였습니다 . 저희는 김포공항에 8시간 동안 가만히 앉아 있었습니다 . 근데 그 티켓마저 인천 공항이라서 저희는 아무 스텝 없이 의상 , 앨범 포스터 , 개인 소지품 다 들고 인천 공항으로 이동 하여 비행기를 탔습니다 . 그래 놓고 일본에서 활동할 때 스텝 한명없이 저희 다섯명이서만 움직였습니다 . 거기에 있던 모든 사람들이 알았죠 대표님은 먼저 다시 한국으로 가셨거든요 . 이건 문란한 행동은 아니지만 정당한 대우를 받지 못했습니다 . 이것말고도 더 많은 정당치 못한 대우를 받아서 저희는 그만 두겠다 한 것이지 절대 그 멤버의 문란한 생활로 그만 두겠다고 한게 아닙니다 . 지금 얘기 드린 내용은 저희가 받은 정당치 못한 대우들 중 몇가지일 뿐입니다 . 시작은 회사에서 문란하다는 그 일로 서로 대립 상황에 놓여 있었지만 , 설마 그 별것도 아닌 일로 열심히 연습해서 이뤄낸 데뷔를 옐로비 해체와 맞바꾼다는건 말이 안됩니다 . 이건 저희가 회사에 내용 증명서를 보낼 때에도 적혀 있는 사항들 입니다 . 회사가 저희를 나쁜 사람들도 몰고 있어서 저희는 어떻게 나와야 할 지 몰라 대표로 글을 적습니다 . 긴 글 읽어주셔서 감사합니다 . * 본문에 있는 글 기사화 하셔도 괜찮습니다 *

Una publicación compartida de @ dung._.hee el

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Hello, I'm making an official announcement to Addiction Entertainment. First of all, thank you for your love and interest in Yellowbee and Addiction Entertainment. The reason why I am announcing this statement is to make my official position known Addiction Entertainment regarding the current events.We will meet with 4 people except Yelovi member B and express our position by agreement.First of all, it happened about a year ago.The incident started at an event.There was a person in the audience who came as a family member, and there was a baby.I saw that baby and thought that I should have such a pretty baby when I get married later, but the manager told me that after hearing it from the side.The manager said he was joking, but because it was serious, we couldn't just let it go, so our company reprimanded him severely at the time. There is a fact that I organized it without telling the members.The manager left the company a year ago. Next, I'll talk about sexual harassment cases. This case is related to a music video producer named Yoonxx. Yoonxx is definitely not a company official. I've never hired a company employee, and Yoonxx is a person who has done a lot of damage to our company. Yoonxx had a lot of work to talk about, and there was a desk left in the office, so he asked if he could use this seat, so the company allowed him to produce better results.So the members of Yellowbee must have misunderstood as company officials. A lot of people are watching the MV and asking if we filmed it on the rooftop because it's cheap. We couldn't help it. Yoonxx, who was supposed to film the MV, sent the music video cue sheet first, but there was no feedback two to three days before the shooting started, so the company called the music video director directly.But the director replied, "Yoon xx said he would deposit down money, but nothing was deposited at all." So the members' debut dates are out and all the articles are open, so I was in a hurry to film the music video. I'd like to tell you more about Yoon xx's music video, but the only thing that matters is the sexual harassment case.At that time, the company director and the female manager were together.

Una publicación compartida de A.D ENT Official (@a.d_ent_official) el

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northstars728 pts Thursday, August 6, 2020 0
Thursday, August 6, 2020

The agency sounds like it is a bunch a criminal sexual predators abusing these young girls.

13 (+13 / -0)
Ohboy6918,924 pts Thursday, August 6, 2020 2
Thursday, August 6, 2020

They now want a boy group so they won't be tempted to molest them? Ha.

9 (+9 / -0)

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