Korean netizens responded to the news of actor Chadwick Boseman's passing.
On August 28, reports confirmed that actor Chadwick Boseman passed away after battling colon cancer for four years. The actor is well-known for his performance in 'Black Panther', a Marvel superhero film familiar to audiences in Korea. After learning of Boseman's unexpected passing, netizens in Korea mourned his death with heartfelt messages.
One film-goer commented, "I watched 'Black Panther' and it was my favorite out of all the Marvel films. It is hard to believe that you were battling cancer throughout the filming...rest in peace."
Another fan shared, "I liked 'Black Panther' a lot but your performance in '21 Bridges' was also very inspiring. I will remember you forever."

Other comments include:
"Some people would simply waste away their money after learning of their limited time, but he decided to make his last film."
"You were my favorite character, so I was very shocked to hear the news. I am sad that we can't see you anymore through 'Black Panther' but we hope that you are happy where you are."
"R.I.P. Hope you are safe where you are."
"I don't think there will ever be a good 'Black Panther' without Chadwick Boseman..."
"Why are all heroes leaving the world so earl... Rest in peace."
"Chadwick Boseman forever!"
It appears that domestic and international fans alike are coming together with prayers for Boseman. We sincerely hope that the Marvel hero rests in peace forever.
RIP 🙏🏻 Cancer is a bitch...
And: 2020 can go away. Like, really. It's time and overdue.