Hara's mother talked about how she was being treated unfairly.
TV Chosun interviewed Hara's mother. She mentioned Hara's brother Hoin and said, "Hoin doesn't know my past at all. I know that because he tells people that I left because I committed adultery."
When the reporter asked again, "Are you saying that he was young so he didn't know what was going on?" She said, "He doesn't know. Hoin and Hara don't know what I did. I left so I could live. They're blaming me for what happened to Hara... I do understand that I should have taken Hara with me, but I didn't.."
When asked why she never contacted them until 2017, she said it was because she was sick. To why she was trying to take half of Hara's inheritance, she explained that her older sister told her to after she heard advice from a lawyer. Her older sister said, "It should be done through law. She wasn't born just through her father, right? Obviously both sides should get it."
Hara's mother explained further that she did not agree with the Goo Hara Law, saying, "Hoin is telling his one-sided story. He is saying that I abandoned them and then I came forward all of a sudden to get money, but that's not it. Every family has a reason and every person has something to say. I have things I want to say, but I'm just not saying anything."

What do you think about the interview?
this selfish witch. you did just come forward for money, what's the point in lying?
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