On a post made by Shin Minah’s mother on her Instagram account dated August 1, it was revealed that Minah is currently hospitalized and being treated at a university hospital.
Previously, Shin Minah had claimed that she had been bullied by her former members. She claimed that she has been suffering from panic attacks and depression causing her to make suicide attempts. In response to this WKS ENE has denied all of Shin Minah's claims and will make both civil and criminal complaints against her. Minah was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance on July 24.
On the latest Instagram post made on Minah's account by her mother, Minah’s mother gives an update about Minah and refutes the agency’s statement, stating that Minah will be submitting evidence to support her bullying claims:
“Hello, this is Mina’s mother.
Minah is currently hospitalized at a university hospital.
As electronic devices are not allowed in the hospital, and Minah is unable to leave or do visits, she got to know about the company’s statement late.
I am going to say this once again, my child has definitely not lied. Thanks to so many people who are supporting us, our child is gaining strength. Thank you so much. My child is meeting medical staff whom I am immensely grateful for treating my child well and giving her strength. After her recovery, our child will reveal the truth by handing over evidences that my child has collected painfully. Thank you for your support.”
No electronic devices? Sounds like a psychiatric hospital...
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