Japan’s heart-throb Jungkook dominates the trends in all platforms, sweeping locals and fans off their feet with composed OST ‘Your Eyes Tell’
Posted by laylarose6,609 pts Monday, July 13, 2020
Jungkook is dominating the Twitter trends Worldwide. Japanese people finding about him are calling him ‘the one in the middle’ & ‘the one wearing the striped shirt’ as they eagerly try to learn about the beautiful singer.
Japanese nonfans whipped for our Jeon Jungkook again 🤣 - the one in the middle - BTS center - the one wearing striped shirt * google translation 🙏
Jungkook enters Yahoo! Japan trends, Twipple Japan trends, and is the most tweeted Korean celebrity of the night, capturing the hearts of fans and locals. After listening to ‘Your Eyes Tell’ knowing that it was a song from Jungkook’s mixtape, fans are very much anticipating the main vocalist’s solo album soon.
[INFO] 🇯🇵 Jungkook is climbing Yahoo Japan! trends. ✨
I was quickly scrolling and did a double take because damn that picture really grabbed my attention. Then I realised it was Jungkook, he has done of lot growing up since I became an ARMY like wow.
Truly a beautiful man with even more beautiful voice. Im so excited for his mixtape!
26(+41 / -15)
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Karla_Pulido214 ptsMonday, July 13, 2020 5
Monday, July 13, 2020
The man wearing striped shirt has a beautiful voice and is so handsome.
I was quickly scrolling and did a double take because damn that picture really grabbed my attention. Then I realised it was Jungkook, he has done of lot growing up since I became an ARMY like wow.
Truly a beautiful man with even more beautiful voice. Im so excited for his mixtape!
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