Kim Woo Bin's agency, AM Entertainment, revealed photos of Kim Woo Bin's birthday!
AM Entertainment uploaded these photos on their official Instagram account on July 16th with the caption "Happy birthday Woobin" and the hashtag #Woobindoeverythingyouwantto.
In the photos, Kim Woo Bin is seen holding a blue cake and standing in front of the birthday balloons decorated in the walls. Kim Woo Bin is celebrating his 31st birthday as he receives congratulations from the staff members. Also, Kim Woo Bin looks much healthier in the photos.

Back in 2017, Kim Woo Bin was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer and has been concentrating on his treatment for the past three years. Now he is preparing to make a comeback with a new movie he is filming.
He has been dating Shin Min Ah since 2015. She has been by his side throughout his treatment and they are still continuing their relationship.
That's so nice! I'm glad he's starting to live his life after winning a battle!