Actor Shin Hyun Joon has left the cast of 'Mom's Spring Day' due to the controversy involving his former manager.
As previously reported, Shin Hyun Joon's former manager Kim claimed he had been abusive towards him and underpaid him, which the actor denied. Kim also claimed he should be reinvestigated for illegal Propofol use. Since then, the star and his family have left the cast of 'Return of Superman'.
He's now leaving the cast of TV Chosun's 'Mom's Spring Day' after 5 years. Shin Hyun Joon, who's known to be especially close to his mom, led the program about mothers living in rural villages, and it's reported he decided to leave the show after discussion with the production team.
Stay tuned for updates on Shin Hyun Joon.
Actor Shin Hyun Joon leaves cast of 'Mom's Spring Day' due to former manager controversy
Friday, July 17, 2020
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65% Upvoted
If it's all lie's why is he going into hiding?
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