Why we need groups like SNH48 in K-Pop? List of pros:
1. A big number of members, they can participate in multiple shows airing in a similar time:
a) survival shows
b) competition shows
c) variety shows
d) fashion tv-shows
2. Providing content all the time
a) music videos from separated groups, sub-units, teams
b) dance practice/covers
c) singing practice/covers
d) livestreams from dorm
e) chatting with fans through the SNH48 Pocket app
f) they get a lot of CF
3. Hard workers, always giving more than solid performances, because of many members in the group they are always ready for rivalry and prepared for competitions.
4. Creative and not scared of trying different concepts, even being in the different sub-units or teams they are treating each other like sisters, and when they meet fans can see tons of cute and touchy interactions.

So many of you will complain about the graduation system but honestly, how many girl groups we have that are in the market for 9-10 years? A very small number, and for groups like SNH48 members graduate exactly after 9-10 years. First members of the group were announced in fall 2012, and those same girls will graduate in 2020 fall/winter.
Now let me explain to you this - SNH has SNH48, BEJ48, GNZ48, IDOLS Ft sub-groups, which are also separated into teams.
So now for "We are Blazing" they've picked multiple members from each of those groups, not even those who are ranked the highest, and here you are.
Check them it's worth it and might change your optic about graduation style group in K-Pop.
videos might be geo-blocked so click the play button and then pick underlined watch on youtube
here the most recent jaw-dropping performance put a mark at 1:27:24, and enjoy the show!
here is part of 7Senses sub-unit in Youth with You
Here is SNH48 in Youth with You
The inspiring story of Three (Sun Rui), she had car accident and was for months on a wheelchair
here are girls currently participating in Produce Camp 2020
And once again back to girls that are currently competing in We Are Blazing

Now to wrap it up. Extended and big line-up provides almost endless opportunities to promote the group for the whole year. Won't that be an exciting change of pace in comparison to groups that makes comeback 1 time per 12-18 months?
But probably the biggest pros of all is the fact that young girls get the possibility to perform in group theatre in front of fans and they're gaining and building experience through the stage performances which allow them not only to grow but also to build their confidence.
And of course, it makes them build their own fanbases, and interact with fans during "handshake" events.
Instead of being held/locked in one or another label basement for 6-7 years in SNH48 style groups girls are seeking all opportunities and trying to use them first to jump into main "48" group, and then to rank in most powerful TOP16, which from this fall will be treated as a face of the whole group.
Now would you be interested in seeing the SNH48 style group build by one of South Korean major K-POP labels?
Isn't NCT the thing you're referring to? It's not exactly the same, but it has the basics covered with a kpop style twists
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