Yoochun's newest update has raised eyebrows amongst netizens.

Yoochun established an official Weibo account on May 5th. The description on the account states: "This is Park Yoochun's official Weibo account. We ask for your love and support." Yoochun's first post on his Weibo account, made on May 6th, reveals a link to purchase Yoochun's pictorial 'SOMEDAY' for 75 USD with the caption: "Feel Yoochun's charm through 160 pages of color pictures and short letters he wrote."
Yoochun has been the center of controversy and criticism after stating he would retire from the industry after being sentenced for illegal drug use. However, the former idol has been criticized for using his fans as cash cows while going against his promise to retire.
Ugh can’t believe this guy is still trying to take advantage of whatever fans he still has left *face palm* just get your shit together and find a real job man. your idol career is long gone.
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