The family of the elderly woman that Kim Min Kyo's dog bit spoke up in his defense.
He had come under controversy when it was first reported that his dogs had bitten a woman in her 80s while not on a leash. However, it had come to light that they had actually jumped the fence after seeing a water deer, and that he had been diligently taking care of the woman.
He revealed that his wife had rushed the woman to the emergency room right away, and stayed with her. He himself came to see her right away when he heard the news after his filming. The family of the woman actually expressed their concern for him. He further revealed that he was consulting an expert on dog training so something like this would not happen again.
The daughter of the woman also spoke up and said, "We are sad because there are a lot of misunderstandings. He has definitely not ignored the problem, and we're sad because people have the wrong idea. We hope the truth can spread so he can continue to work. The treatment will take time, but Kim Min Kyo is doing all he can."
Look how this has zero comments, while the initial clickbaity hate article had tons. The internet is seriously filled with no-lifers who just wait for the opportunity to hate.
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