KAACHI Issue Statement regarding Bullying and False Rumors

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i honestly think it would have been better if they debuted as a korean inspired "pop" group rather than claiming to be a kpop one, bc just looking at them sing and dance, the production, the outfits, you'd see that they are still far away from the kpop standards and just looks like they were trying to copy everyone else. no originality at all. i just think if they didn't try so hard claiming to be a korean group, they wouldnt have been bashed at this level.
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no one deserves to be threatened and their private information leaked AT ALL, but i feel like if you're going to be a kpop band you should have a thorough understanding of their culture and language, which they don't.
the reason the public doesn't like them is honestly bc their voices aren't good. their dance is okay. and they have no chemistry at all. you can easily tell they have not been training for years as their company says. the song was garbage and the mv quality was the same. it honestly seems like they are a group of friends who like kpop and decided to put this together.
like it isn't even the fact they aren't korean that's the main problem, its that they are lacking in a lot of ways. i genuinely gave them a fair shot, but they aren't good. sorry but its true.
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