SBS's Sunday night variety 'All The Butlers' has revealed its new program poster, featuring brand new cast members ASTRO's Cha Eun Woo and Kim Dong Hyun!
Previously, 'All The Butlers' confirmed that Cha Eun Woo and Kim Dong Hyun have officially joined the Sunday night variety as fixed cast members alongside current cast members Lee Seung Gi, Yang Se Hyung, and Shin Sung Rok. The two new members are coming on board approximately a month after original members Lee Sang Yoon and BTOB's Sungjae decided to leave the program, due to their other schedules.
Check out 'All The Butlers's brand new program poster, plus updated spring profile shots of all 5 cast members, below! The variety series airs every Sunday nights at 6:25 PM KST on SBS.
Good vibes to the program 👍and don't overwork yourself Eunwoo 🙏