Park Yoochun appeared in his brother's Instagram update.
Park Yoo Hwan, who is currently active as a streamer, uploaded a shot of the two brothers posing side by side in a selfie. Netizens are still giving the former idol a chilly reception due to his numerous scandals in the past. Comments include:
"Reporter. Why are you writing about him?"
"Please f*** off."
"I guess he's decided to just take all the cursing."
"I really hate him."
"I guess he doesn't know how to be embarrassed."
Do you think Park Yoochun will ever be forgiven by the general public?
I don't understand why AKP staff post these articles for only thing in mind - to get hate for the people in article. You really try to get every damn change to get hate for the people you don't like and post millions articles about the people you like, and only positive articles. Even if your favourite does something wrong you don't write article about it, but if someone does something wrong (evn tho that person is not even guilty) you remember to write it every change you get and mentione it every time. This article is bullshit. He is YC's brother and he can post picture of him if he wants and you should accept it and stop writing stupid articles and stop spreading hate. Shame on you.
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