Track List:
2. HOME (Inst.)

Yezi has just released her newest single, "Home." The single contains two tracks, the title track plus the instrumental. It's her second song with JG Star, whom she signed with in July of last year.
On "Home" she continues the style of music that she adopted when she changed labels. She actually sings, for one thing. That was quite a change for me, considering I've been a fan of hers for a while and got used to her rapping. The main verses are quiet and sweetly sung. There's almost an IU-like innocence to the main verses.

When she gets to the chorus, that's when the tone changes. Her vocals become sharp, fierce. It reminds me somewhat of Sunmi. And that might just be my nitpick.
If she abandoned her rapping to sound like other singers, is it really Yezi?
It's something to ponder.

Don't get me wrong -- the song has an epic feel to it, and that chorus is just amazing. I also love how her vocals go high and soft. She really has a stunning vocal range. And that's really what you need to know about the song. She changed to this style of music in January, with the release of "My Galaxy," which has similar overtones.
It's quite good, and I wouldn't mind hearing more from this woman who I've followed since her Fiestar days.
Whether walking through the city streets, laying on a pile of mismatched mattresses, or dancing in ankle-deep water, the makers of "HOME" make it seem quite cool.
That's not by accident. The camera angles, the lighting, the scene transitions, everything. These guys have it all figured out, and it makes this one of those music videos that is as good as the song, if not better.

One thing I do love about this video is how things develop naturally. Eventually, her mattresses are floating on the water. She dances with another guy in the alley. And the difference between the alley and the wider open space with her backup dancers begins to blur.
Maybe there isn't a whole lot happening in this video, but that's 100% okay.
MV Relevance.......8
MV Production......8
MV Concept..........8
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