On this week's episode of MBN's 'K-Friends Variety', Sam Hammington surprised all of his fellow cast members by revealing that his family is trying to have a third child!
During this episode's recording, the cast members of 'K-Friends Variety' noticed Sam Hammington leaving the recording location in the middle of the night. Sam Hammington explained to his fellow members, "We are trying have a dongsaeng for William and Bentley. We'll be having In-Vitro Fertilization procedures tomorrow morning."
Sam also asked his 'K-Friends Variety' cast members, "I really want our third to be a daughter. Please send us good vibes."
Meanwhile, MBN's 'K-Friends Variety' is an outdoor travel series produced by several former '1 Night, 2 Day' staff members. The cast also consists of former '1 Night, 2 Day' members Kim Jun Ho, Defconn, and Lee Yong Jin, as well as Choi Soo Jong, Sam Hammington, Sam Okyere, Bruno, and Robin Deiana. While traveling across some of the most beautiful spots in Korea, the cast members face off in all kinds of games and missions, divided up as the 'Foreigners who love Korea' team and the 'Koreans' team.

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