Kpop stan Twitter are known for being very active in promoting their favorite groups. Many trending and having great conversation amongst different bands.
However, there are negatives to it. One epidemic that Kpop fans & non-Kpop fans alike have grew tired of are promoting their idols where they don’t belong.
If Kpop Group A has their own article, people would be interested in seeing comments related to that groups events which related to the article. But instead are flooded with fancams of Group B, Group C, and Group Z.
There are also times where the discussion has nothing to do with Kpop, even tragic events involving non-Kpop related individuals, and there would be stans yelling “Maybe if they stanned _____” while posting a fancam or snippet of their favs MV.
It not only doesn’t make people want to follow said groups, it is an open invitation for them + their fandoms to get hate. It also is an embarrassing representation on the Kpop fandom.
Nothing wrong with posting fancams or promoting your favorite groups, but there is a time and a place. Going beyond the line is toxic.
Being a fan is one thing, being an obsessive, single-minded nutcase is another.
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