On February 4, Girls' Generation's Yuri took to her Instagram Story to express her frustration toward hackers interfering with her privacy.
According to Yuri's posts, a malicious hacker was able to hack into Yuri's account, following miscellaneous accounts without Yuri's permission. She wrote, "Who did this? Why am I getting feeds of something that I know nothing of? Why am I following these people!??? Please! Don't touch! Don't hack my account."
Yuri continued, "Honestly who could have done this-- I've been letting it off quietly until now... and here they are messing however they want. I'm getting goosebumps. You come into my account without me knowing and follow different people I don't know. You should know that this is stealing, right?"

Ah, I saw the stories this morning and already thought something must be wrong. Thanks for the translation. I hope she can keep them outside of her account, it must be really annoying to see that somebody messed with your personal accout.
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