One BTS fan has revealed inside details regarding systematic attacks by malicious akgae fans (fans of one member of a group but dislike the other members) targeting Jimin that have made a huge splash online.

On February 4th, the fan stated on Twitter posted that she is "publicizing chat open talk chat messages from malicious fans who are participating in a systematic attack." The fan continued, saying: "Hate gives way to more hate, and we should be aware that at the end, negative effects are given to BTS as a whole. We should be aware of this and try to push ourselves to pursue a positive attitude. I hope BTS members aren't attacked internally anymore."
The tweet continues: "I received screenshots of chat messages from malicious fans. Forty-one fans have moved chatrooms frequently, and they have been using malicious comments and terror." The fan goes on to explain that the malicious fans banded together after articles highlighting Jimin's performance in "Black Swan" surfaced and doxxed the writer of the article so that it would be deleted.
The following OSEN article was edited 2 hours after publishing, removing all mention of Jimin.

The malicious fans have also interfered with voting for awards shows and swarm to articles about the members to write malicious comments.

The text message screenshot shows the members of the chatroom posting the links of Jimin's articles. Excerpts include:
"Please help request that this article is deleted."
"They must be crazy."
"How can they call themselves a reporter after writing this?"
What do you think of this situation?
Akgae's are just as toxic and damaging as antis. Most of them are just antis parading as solo stans, it's crazy the lengths some will go to over KPop. They need to get a grip of themselves.
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