
Pentagon's Kino raises awareness for the Australian fires

Posted by sl278837 pts Thursday, January 9, 2020

Pentagon's Kino is raising awareness regarding the raging fires that is spreading in Australia. 

The idol utilized his group's official Instagram account to give more information about the issue as well as organizations to donate to. 

View this post on Instagram

[#키노] 안녕하세요 키노입니다. 현재 호주에서는 1965년 이후 최소 강수량을 기록하는 가뭄과 고온건조한 날씨, 강한 바람으로 인해 대규모의 산불이 쉽게 진화되지 않고 있다고 합니다. 서울 면적의 100배가 넘는 규모의 화재입니다. 6개월째 계속되는 산불로 인해 자연과 인명피해는 물론이고, 5억마리 이상의 동물과 곤충들이 죽어가고 있어요. 특히 코알라는 행동이 느려서 다른 동물들과 달리 빠르게 대피하지 못하고 약 40%이상이 떼죽음을 당했다고 합니다. 너무 마음이 아파요.. 수천 명의 소방대원들과 많은 예비군, 자원봉사자들이 힘을 합쳐 진화작업을 하고 있습니다. 저희도 함께 힘을 보태어 동물들과 호주 국민분들에게 도움이 될 수 있다면 좋을 것 같습니다. 지금도 전세계에서 많은 사람들이 마음을 보태고 있습니다. 코알라등 피해동물 지원은 Wires, WWF, RSPCA 피해지역 구호민 지원은 The Salvation Armys, Australian Red Cross, Vinnies, Foodbank 등 다양한 기부처가 있고, 네이버 해피빈으로도 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 주변 사람들에게 알리고, 진심으로 기도해주시면 좋겠습니다. 저와 함께 고통받는 작은 동물들과 호주 국민들에게 사랑을 보내주세요. 감사합니다🖤 사진 출처는 뉴스코프오스트레일리아입니다.

A post shared by 펜타곤 PENTAGON (@cube_ptg) on

The caption reads as follows: 

"Hello. This is Kino. Currently, Australia has been experiencing low rainfall and high-temperature weather, and due to strong winds, it is said that it is hard to contain the mountain fires. 

This area is 100 times the size of Seoul. These fires have been ongoing for 6 months and have affected the nature and people. At least 5 million animals and living organisms are dead. Especially Koalas who are slow-moving animals aren't able to escape the heat and around 40% of them have suffered from death. My heart is hurting so much. The thousands of firefighters and volunteers are gathering their strength together to combat this issue. I think it' d be a good idea for us to also use our strength to help the animals and the people of Australia. 

Many people around the world are currently donating. Organizations helping koalas include Wires, WWF, and RSPCA. Organizations helping those affected by the fires include The Salvation Army, Australian Red Cross, Vinnies, Foodbank and more. Naver's happy bin will be able to help you find more. 

Please let people around you know, and I sincerely hope that we pray for them. Let's send our love to Australia and the small animals who are suffering. Thank you."

  1. Kino
3 7,355 Share 88% Upvoted
landfairy1,496 pts Thursday, January 9, 2020 0
Thursday, January 9, 2020

His letter made me cry for real. How sweet is he. As an Australian am so touched and thanks for your kindness.

2 (+2 / -0)
BlueLotus872 pts Thursday, January 9, 2020 0
Thursday, January 9, 2020

What a sweetie.🥰 I'm happy to see artists take interest in matters like this one.

2 (+2 / -0)


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