BTS Superfan Oli London, who has been causing headlines after his marriage to a cardboard cutout of BTS Jimin in a Las Vegas wedding ceremony as well as his appearance on Dr. Phil and on SBS 'Access Showbiz' has now gone even further in his quest to look like Jimin.

Oli posted photos on his Instagram after undergoing Skin Whitening Glutathione Injections. The procedure is popular in Asia for people seeking to whiten their skin tone.

In his latest Instagram post on @londonoli the controversial TV star said he was having the injections because he wants his "skin to look more Korean". He added "My skin tone is not as pale as Jimins so I have had some Glutathione + Vit C-Peptide injections with microneedling to help make my skin whiter".

Oli has already undergone 15 plastic surgery procedures including jaw bone contouring, 5 nose jobs and cheek bone reduction in his effort to try and emulate Jimin.

He's making his skin whiter to match someone who is Korean for fuck sake! Please stop posting about Oli London, we don't want to know. He clearly has some issues here and the attention he's getting isn't helping.
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