We all had some kind of breakup at one time or another, some ended well and some not, not only in love, but also in friendships.
As much as it hurts, we have to let go of that person and give youself a chance to start over. That's why I bring you 5 songs to help you overcome that painful relationship.
1. T-ARA - 'The Reason We Broke Up'
This song is about a relationship that became cold over time, and even though they love each other, they can't see each other anymore because it hurts. So they decide to breakup with a smile and erase all those memories.
"...Sometimes, I quietly stand behind you
Talking to myself
I take another step back again
Getting farther away from your heart
When the shadow of breaking up approaches
And covers my way
I just can’t love you anymore
Deep in my heart
It hurts, it hurts, I can’t see you
Though tears come, I will smile and let you go
It hurts, it hurts
The reason we broke up..."
2. Taeyeon - 'Farewell'
This song is about a relation ship that ends and yet a person regrets not having been honets and showing her true self, and also wishes for happiness and a good future. It also describes how the last goodbye was really dissapointing.
"...Liking that song
Liking that road, that’s not it, that’s not it,
I like the song we listened to together
Roads we used to walk together, it’s true
From the beginning, this ugly appearance,
I should’ve showed you my shabby self first
Tell me first
Not ambiguously but a bit more clearer,
Like a fool, I
Words that said to be well, words that said thank you
What do I do? I don’t know anything..."
3. CLC - 'Breakdown'
'Breakdown' is a song about a relationship that ends in a dissapointing way, ending with the considerations towards that person and seeing their true colors.
"I’m done, the consideration for you all stop now
I’m done, it’s the first thing I said
I can see what kind of person you are now
Tonight like there’s nothing
It’s so beautiful night"
4. Hyomin - 'Mango'
'Mango' is a song about a toxic relationship, where a man uses Hyomin only because she is pretty but not because of her personality, 'Mango' is a word-play for 'Man' and 'Go'
Hyomin describes herself as a mango, saying she looks cute and soft but she is a bitter and strong mango.
"...What you want to take from me is not my heart
I feel it, I feel you
If the only thing you want from me is my outer layer
I can make you, I can make you, man
Man, go man, go
Don’t waste my time (don’t waste my time)
Don’t come on to me (don’t come on to me)
Man, go man, go
Don’t come into my sight (don’t come into my sight)
Go away, man, go..."
5. Stellar - 'Sting'
And we came to the end of this list! 'Sting' is a song about a sensitive relationship. In the song, Stellar feels like everything they do it annoys their partner, they come to the conclusion that the love is over and they can't do anything to save it.
"...Does my word make you feel something?
Do you have a guilty conscience?
Are you tired of our relationship?
We used to kiss each other
Does my word make you feel something?
Do you have a guilty conscience?
Are you trying to break my heart?
Your eyes can not face me straight
Like a secret diary
on your chest
your words
piled up
We used to kiss each other
Say it, I wanna know I am ready
What happen to us?..."
T-ARA's "Why We Broke Up" is one of my favorite T-ARA songs. It is so sad, but also beautiful. If anyone ever says that T-ARA can't sing or they're only do EDM-type songs, have them to listen to it. The fact is that T-ARA's vocals are incredibly good. Every one of them is a fantastic singer. The fact that T-ARA as a whole, and Hyomin as a soloist, both appear on this list tells you a lot about how good they are (and Hyomin isn't even T-ARA's best vocalist).