On December 11, South Korea's Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism (MCST) notified various businesses and organizations involved in the arts and culture fields of new regulations taking effect in 2020.
First, the notice updated arts and culture businesses and organizations on previously instated regulations from earlier this year including systems preventing employees from working over 52-hours a week, new regulations for mandatory enlistment exemptions, etc.
The MCST also reaffirmed new regulations on trainee contracts in the entertainment field, for trainees including idols and actor-hopefuls. Per the MCST's new regulations, no trainee contracts can exceed 3 years without offering trainees a chance to debut or an opportunity to find a new agency. Agencies will also be monetarily responsible for all training and instructional fees beginning in 2020.
Lastly, the MCST will be seeking to instate changes to the length of passports issued to individuals over the age of 25 who are required to fulfill their mandatory military service duties. Currently, such individuals can receive a passport which remains valid for a year after reception. Next year, the length of validity will be increased to as much as 3 years.
Entertainers over the age of 25 who have yet to carry out their mandatory military service duties will be permitted to carry out overseas activities as long as the overseas stay consists of a short period of time until age 27. Afterward, entertainers may submit a request and receive permission to carry out promotional activities if deemed "Helpful to the spread of Korean culture".
What do you think of the new regulations?
Its a step in the right direction
its really great that they can't overwork artists and cheat trainees anymore. they also can't put them in debt during training or sign too long contracts of slavery
though i still would like to see more improvements
also, i am gloating rn because jun is chinese and no one can send him to the military LOL
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