
Lee Hi writes letter to fans after news she's leaving YG Entertainment

Posted by Germaine-Jay Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Lee Hi has written a letter to fans after the news she's leaving YG Entertainment.

On December 31, YG Entertainment announced Lee Hi would not be renewing her contract with the label, and the singer-songwriter took to Instagram to leave a letter to her fans. She wrote:

"Hello, everyone. This is Lee Hi.

I'm here to greet you with news that is new and a little unfamiliar on the last day of 2019. At the end of this year, I'll be leaving the YG nest, a place I've been with for a long time.

As we've spent so much time together, I have so many memories when I look back. At 16 years old, I went to audition with a dream that was so big that it almost appeared reckless, I was able to join YG, an agency I looked up to when I was younger, and with the help of great people, I completed and released my first single '' and album 'First Love'. The memory of my first day in the recording studio and being amazed at hearing my own voice. That October, when I was monitoring the album I'd released with a racing heart. Everything is still fresh like it happened yesterday.

Even when I was just starting as a singer, I thought time was going by so fast, and now I've gone from one to three albums. I was 17 years old, and I'm now 24. It still feels like time is going by so fast, and though I feel a little sad, those times have also remained as precious memories I'll never forget. 

Of course, it wasn't always easy, but I think I was actually quite lucky in a lot of ways. The staff, who always worked hard for me behind the scenes and who are like old friends and family to me, and the amazing things we built together will be something I'll never forget.

As this is a decision I made after a long time of thinking, I want to sincerely thank the many people at YG who supported my decision and new start, and I'll do my best to repay everyone with better music. As I'm leaving the agency I spent 8 years with, which is a long time, and was there for growth, I'll be even more careful about choosing my next agency, and I hope to greet you soon with good news.

I hope the new year will be filled with even better things."


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안녕하세요 여러분 이하이입니다. 2019년 마지막 날 조금은 낮설고 새로운 소식으로 인사드립니다. 저는 올해를 마지막으로 오랫동안 함께한 YG라는 둥지를 떠나려고 합니다. 돌아보면 함께한 시간이 긴만큼 제게 정말 많은 추억이 있네요. 16살의 저는 어쩌면 무모할만큼 커다란 꿈을 가지고 오디션에 나갔고 어릴적 동경하던 YG란 회사에 들어가 멋진 언니 오빠들의 도움으로 제 첫번째 싱글인와 First love 앨범을 완성해 발매했죠. 처음 녹음실에서 제 목소리를 들으며 스스로 신기했던 기억도. 떨리는 마음으로 발매한 앨범 모니터링을 하던 그해 10월도. 모든게 아직도 어제일처럼 남아있어요. 어린 제가 가수가되기까지 그때도 시간은 참 빠르구나 생각했지만 1집부터 최근 발매한 3집까지. 17살의 제가 24살이된 지금까지. 시간은 늘 빠르게 지나가는것 같아 한편으론 조금 아쉬운 마음도 또 한편으론 평생 잊지못할 소중한 추억으로 남아있습니다. 물론 늘 쉽지만은 않았지만 제게는 유난히 행운같은 일들이 많았던것 같아요. 특히 저를 위해 안보이는곳에서 늘 노력해주신 오랜 친구이자 가족같은 고마운 스텝분들과 함께 쌓아올린 멋진일들은 아마 제 평생 잊지 못할것같아요. 하루아침의 결정이 아닌 아주 오랜시간동안 수많은 고민 끝에 내린 결정인 만큼 저의 결정과 새로운 출발을 응원해주신 YG의 많은분들께 진심으로 감사드리며 앞으로 저도 더 좋은 음악으로 보답할수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 8년이라는 긴 시간동안 저의 성장을 함께해준 회사를 떠나기에 현재 조금 더 신중하게 앞으로 함께할 회사를 고민중이며 여러분께 빠른 시일내 좋은 소식으로 인사드리겠습니다. 새해에는 더 좋은 일만 가득하기를 바라며.🦋

A post shared by @ leehi_hi on

  1. Lee Hi
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red_beryl4,860 pts Tuesday, December 31, 2019 1
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Good luck, yg has wasted years of her life

21 (+30 / -9)

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Roslolian2,488 pts Tuesday, December 31, 2019 5
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Only 3 albums in 8 years lol now that is what the dungeon looks like Twice does more in a year than Lee Hi in a decade. YG has a ton of potential but def the most mismanaged of the Big 3. If they didnt have the luck to form Big Bang YG wouldve closed down by now to how inefficient and sloppy they are.

12 (+13 / -1)

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