Joy called out SBS's apology and thanked the fans.
Posted by zedi2,294 pts Sunday, December 29, 2019
during the fan meeting Red Velvet's Joy called out SBS's statement about Wendy's indecent
"Honestly I was... kinda mad too about that apology.. but a lot of people helped and you know, if there's something wrong it should be fixed~ So I was really thankful to the fans"
"There's something I'm really thankful to our fans. There are a lot of times when it's dangerous on stage but I think I often just thought it was ok/obvious, and b/c of my job, I just thought it was ok/obvious that it was dangerous. When that happened to Wendy, I was so sad and that apology made me mad too. I thought, 'this shouldn't just be wrapped up like this.' I was thankful when the fans really expressed that we need to fix this. When things are rough, I feel like we need to really join forces"
Procrastinating5,048 ptsSunday, December 29, 2019 0
Sunday, December 29, 2019
I work in a chemistry lab which can also involve dangerous situations. Honestly a lot of the time we just accept a certain amount of risk as part of the job. I think that when I take unnecessary risks *for myself*, because I'm too lazy to bother with proper safety precautions, that is my choice. However it is *never* ok to put anyone else at risk that way. Joy and other idols have every right to demand any possible safety precaution and no one should expect them to just take the risk as part of the job.
49(+49 / -0)
Demonowl2,322 ptsSunday, December 29, 2019 0
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Considering sbs safety was so bad an artist fell 2.5 meters their “apology” was embarrassingly lame. Good that Joy speaks up
I work in a chemistry lab which can also involve dangerous situations. Honestly a lot of the time we just accept a certain amount of risk as part of the job. I think that when I take unnecessary risks *for myself*, because I'm too lazy to bother with proper safety precautions, that is my choice. However it is *never* ok to put anyone else at risk that way. Joy and other idols have every right to demand any possible safety precaution and no one should expect them to just take the risk as part of the job.