On December 30, IU updated her official Instagram with a proof of donation.
Her instagram caption reads:
“This is because I was touched by the beautiful hearts that UAENA has showed me over the past few days 🙂 In the future too, lets do good things together UAENA! With the remaining of 2019, I hope that our UAENA is the happiest.”
In the donation proof, it shows that IU donated ₩100M KRW (approx. $86.5K USD) to the Korean Foundation for Support of the Senior Citizen in need’s Comprehensive Support Center for the Elderly Living Alone, in the name of her fans, UAENA.
Just before Christmas, it was revealed that IU has also been donating to the Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation regularly since 2015. Every Children’s Day, the foundation donates large amounts of money to underprivileged children in Korea who are being raised by their grandparents.
After hearing about this, IU’s fanclub UAENA also started a donation relay. Reports state that the donations to Green Umbrella Children’s Foundation has increased 20 folds over December 23 and 24.
IU expressed that seeing her fans doing beautiful things because of her inspired her as well.
A beautiful person with a beautiful heart.