Fans argue against the statements with surprising evidence they put forward about B.I's involvement in Jae Hwan's album
Posted by KonVIP5,231 pts Monday, December 16, 2019
In previous news it was stated that Kim Jae Hwan's agencySwing Entertainment and production teamDuble Sidekick denied B.I's involvement in Jae Hwan's album.
On 15th December, particularly in the chorus of the "After Party" song, it was claimed that the voice of B.I was heard personally. He used "woow" sound as a pseudonym in his lots of songs in a same way and the song sounds like B.I's vibe and style. In addition, a photo shared by B.I previously shows a folder with the same name (After Par7y) in the demo music files as seen on the computer screen.
And the producers of Jaehwan's song in KOMCA (Korean Copyright Association) include B.I's close friends Seung and Choi Raesung (Millennium), who have also participated in the production of the Love Scenario, where B.I often collaborates on iKON songs. Other names that are credited under "After Party" are Jung Dae Gam, White99, and Kim Jae Hwan. The online community claimed that either Jung Dae Gam or White99 could be B.I working under a pseudonym.
After the agency and Duble Sidekick's denying statements; B.I's fans again argue against the statements with surprising evidence they put forward.
Duble Sidekick claimed that the sound in the chorus is composer Ham Jun Seok's voice. However, KOMCA didn't credit him and some videos have been shared indicating that his voice is too low(bass) to create those sounds in the chorus. B.I's fans insistently claimed that they can easily recognize their favorite's (B.I) voice and know his unique tone very well. Also they shared audio videos that proved the voice is B.I's and claimed to be one of the pseudonyms he used in many of his songs on social media.
Moreover there is a really surprising detail!
According tosome posts from Instiz; researches in KOMCA revealed that the producer Jung Dae Gam who has credits from the album's 4 different songs have the same identity information with Kim *** ***'s KOMCA profile. The shocking detail is that Kim *** *** is also the name of B.I's uncle. Fans matched this information to info owned by his uncle's business, Buldak which always promote and support B.I. It is also known that Jaehwan's production team Duble Sidekick and B.I's father are close.
Jung Dae Gum has also released 8 songs and all of them are after June 2019 (after B.I's scandal). 4 of them are from Kim Jae Hwan's album. Other credits belong to the songs of B.I's close friends and the ones who have relationship with him. One belongs to Yawah, one of B.I's close friends, and another belongs to YGX singer Hyunbin, who is friends with iKON members. The last two songs belong to MC MONG, whose B.I made his debut with a collabration 10 years ago. B.I was discovered by MC MONG through his father through his raps when he was a child.
You can check the claims with the videos and photos below.
"After Par7y" folder in B.I's music demo files:
KOMCA information of "After Party":
A video where fans highlight the sound that B.I claims to be:
What do you think about these claims included B.I's voice similarity and KOMCA information? Are all these arguments could be just a coincidence or can we trust the agency's statements?
Even if it's true, B.I. had his reasons to proceed like that and should be respected. Maybe he thought that if the songs would be credited with his name then the album would be unwelcome by the media and antis.
28(+30 / -2)
crystalwildfire9,754 ptsMonday, December 16, 2019 0
Monday, December 16, 2019
Seriously, if he used another name he did it for a reason. All this probably puts him so it'll be more difficult to work - even if it's in the background. If it was him and he collaborated he'd still get paid and be able to do at least some of what he loves. Now, if it was him, those opportunities may go away. Even if you are a fan you don't get to dictate his choices, just keep it in the underground and enjoy the fact that maybe he's still able to make music.
Even if it's true, B.I. had his reasons to proceed like that and should be respected. Maybe he thought that if the songs would be credited with his name then the album would be unwelcome by the media and antis.