#6UndergroundxEXO trends worldwide as EXO meets the cast of Netflix ''6 Underground'' + top 5 moments of the event
Posted by Kkkpopvvv4,234 pts Monday, December 2, 2019
Today EXO attended the Netflix "6 Underground" event which caused a huge interest on social media and the hashtag #6UndergroundxEXO trended worldwide. It's no secret that EXO member Chanyeol is a fan of Ryan Reynolds so many fans were excited to see his reaction to meeting the cast. The event was also the first time EXO has performed their new song "Obsession" publicly. As there were many fans attending the event here a few top moments that were captured from this special event.
1. EXO arriving at the event.
EXO definitely knows how to make an entrance as they gathered all the attention with perfect visuals and of course not soon after it became the big talk on Korean and international social media(especially member Sehun)
3. Ryan Reynolds officially joining EXO as a member. Ryan loves EXOs performance so he decided to officially join the group and Chanyeol does not mind as they both posted on social media.
4. Sehun going in to shake Ryans' hand but gets a hug instead.
Fans were all about these interactions as many of them happen during the event which made many fans have a laugh.
DG252 (Banned)5,557 pts Monday, December 2, 2019 2Comment has been deleted
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