Nicole_Cervantes7,458 ptsTuesday, November 26, 2019 0
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
YAY! I'm really happy for her! I was sooo disappointed when she didn't make the final cut on Produce 48. She was one of my favs.
4(+4 / -0)
LoveKpopfromAust4,443 ptsTuesday, November 26, 2019 0
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
I'm a huge fan and I love her single "My Type". The MV is classic too. If you need a GIF of Miyu then there are plenty to choose from there! I hope this event is super successful.
YAY! I'm really happy for her! I was sooo disappointed when she didn't make the final cut on Produce 48. She was one of my favs.