
Nam Tae Hyun announces the end of his label 'The South' + states that South Club has signed to a label

Posted by sl278837 pts Monday, November 4, 2019

South Club's Nam Tae Hyun surprised fans with an announcement today.

View this post on Instagram

안녕하세요. 사우스클럽 남태현입니다. 먼저, 발매 예정이던 다섯 곡 수록의 EP 앨범 발매가 늦어진 부분에 대하여 죄송하단 말씀드리고자 합니다. 저희 밴드(멤버 동일)에게 소속사가 생겼고 제가 운영하던 The South는 법인 해체를 하게 되었습니다. 3년이라는 비록 짧은 시간이지만 혼자 회사를 운영하며 배우기도 많이 배웠고 어떤 시스템들은 취약하여 힘들기도, 버겁기도 했습니다. 하지만 새로운 가족이 생기고 더욱 체계적인 시스템과 지원군들이 생겼기에 온전히 음악에 집중할 수 있게 되어 기쁘기도 합니다. 발매 예정이었던 기존 다섯 곡은 회사와 많은 회의를 거쳐 잠시 미뤄두기로 했습니다. 더 밝고 대중적인 곡과 함께 싱글로 앨범을 먼저 발매하기로 하였습니다. 끝까지 가다듬어 더 좋은 곡으로 ‘곧’ 찾아뵙겠습니다. 보도 자료가 나가기 전 제일 먼저 알려야겠다고 생각이 들었습니다. 항상 부족한 저 믿고 기다려주시고 과분한 사랑 주셔서 감사합니다. 남태현 올림.

A post shared by Tae Hyun Nam (@souththth) on

The message was posted on his Instagram and reads as follows: 

"Hello. This is South Club's Nam Tae Hyun.

First, I apologize for the delay of our 5 song EP. 

Our band found a label and the label I was running called 'The South' has been dissolved. Although 3 years is a short time, I learned a lot about running a company and sometimes I struggled due to some systems. However, I  am glad that a new family has formed and that a systematic way and employees will be helping us focus on our music, which makes me happy. 

The 5 songs that were planned to be released is postponed after a long discussion with the label. We will be greeting the public with brighter songs and a single album first. We will continue to prune ourselves and find you with good songs. I wanted to let you know first before another announcement was made. Thank you for trusting and waiting for my lacking self and thank you for loving me.


Nam Tae Hyun."

Congratulations to Nam Tae Hyun!

  1. Nam Tae Hyun
7 25,272 Share 69% Upvoted
Rita20201,830 pts Monday, November 4, 2019 0
Monday, November 4, 2019

I can't imagine how hard must be running a company, producing songs, and trying not to loose your mind on the process, he can be solely focused on music now, good for him

7 (+7 / -0)
trogdorthe8th15,547 pts Monday, November 4, 2019 5
Monday, November 4, 2019

Running a company is no simple feat, especially in the entertainment industry. There's a lot of legality issues with earnings, deals and employees that require someone with a savvy background and a quick mind. Good for him for finding a label to sign them, although I'm sure he enjoyed the freedom of owning his own label, it was probably a bit much for him. The catch is that while you have to do all the work yourself, you definitely get a fatter paycheck that would normally be cut down significantly when you're under a label.

4 (+8 / -4)

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