On October 25, diet and weight loss program 'Juvis Diet' revealed profile shots of their newest client - Super Junior's Shindong!
According to 'Juvis Diet', Shindong has a history of having tried numerous diet fads in the past. Despite seeing varying results from one diet fad to another, in the end, Shindong suffered from the "yo-yo effect", gaining his weight back over widespread periods of time.
As a result, Shidnong's current weight is 116 kg (~ 256 lb). In addition, due to a decrease in his exercise and outdoor activity patterns, Shindong revealed that he is also facing severe health threats such as high blood pressure and hyperlipidemia.
Through his partnership with 'Juvis Diet', Shindong aims to cut down by approximately kg, reaching his goal weight of 75 kg (~ 165 lb). Shindong was inspired to seek out 'Juvis Diet' after composer Yoo Jae Hwan recently garnered attention for losing 32 kg and recovering from his health problems.
Meanwhile, 'Juvis Diet' is also well-known not only as composer Yoo Jae Hwan's weight loss partner, but also Kangnam who recently lost 30 kg for his wedding, NRG's Noh Yoo Min, and more. Best of luck to Shindong in his weight loss journey!

I'm really glad he's taking his health serious. While being underweight, and losing a lot of way in unhealthy ways is dangerous, being overweight has a lot of risks attached to it too, especially as you grow older. I just hope he'll take is slowly and incorporate not only a healthy diet but exercise as well. Shindong, fighting!
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