So I wanna open up this article by saying that if you're gonna comment unrelated things or hate on this article please move on or keep on scrolling.

As we have learned due to recent events, comments do have a BIG impact. A good comment can make someone's day while a bad comment can ruin someone's day. And if there are enough of those bad comments it can screw up someone's entire life.
I don't completely blame all the comments. Keep in mind, this is the second SM entertainment idol to go like this. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with SM but it seems pretty fishy.
However, hate comments did have a very huge role in this.
Sulli was being hated on for small things. Like, okay, who cares if she doesn't wear a bra, move on.
Everyone who took part in this hate should feel ashamed. When I say ashamed I mean it. You are the ones who, pretty much, killed her.
And yes, I do understand, freedom of speech, but theres just some things you keep to yourself, write down in a journal, or talk with your friends about. A moral human would know that.

Rest in peace Sulli. You deserved the world but the world didn't deserve you. You gave women in Korea a voice, and unlike other female idols, you spoke about issues they would never speak about. That's what I admire about you. I hope you're in a better place now and that you're at ease. We love you.
Now I wanna end off this article with a message to allkpop. I suggest you remove the upvote and downvote features on the comments. I hope I make it clear that there are people trying to get downvotes and trigger people.
Thank you for reading my rant. Have a nice rest of your day.
I honestly just never cared and I still dont