'Melon' is currently under fire for a celebratory notice about Jung Joon Young's 9th anniversary since debut.
On September 30, the music service's recommendation service 'For U' suggested "Jung Joon Young's 9th anniversary since debut album commemoration mix" as a playlist to some users. As you can see in the screenshot below, Jung Joon Young's image is used in a message suggesting the controversial singer's music to 'Melon' users.
Though it's suspected it was merely an automated notice, 'Melon' has yet to respond to complaints.
As previously reported, Jung Joon Young is currently facing charges for sharing illegal hidden camera footage of women and violating the Special Act on Punishment of Special Crimes as well as alleged aggravated sexual assault.

I'm not saying this is fine, but all music platforms use automatic system. I highly doubt some staff thought 'Oh yea, it's JJY anniversary, let's celebrate it!'
It's not like they could control it, unless they ban him and I don't think it's possible on Melon.