On October 17, it was revealed LOONA's company Polaris Entertainment (Block Berry Creative) is 360 million won ($305K USD) in debt to a japanese company called DONUTS.
Under the hashtag #SaveLOONA, fans all over the world have been trending the topic in order to buy more albums, songs and also streaming. In hopes Polaris Entertainment can pay the debt. This situation leads LOONA entering for second time this year on iTunes charts and reaching tops in various countries.
However, not all LOONA's fans can afford buying the albums and songs of the group, so they have create a "Stream Party" at LOONA's Youtube chanel with the purpose to gain from 500k views to more than 1 million views per day since the group is only reaching +180k views per day (information taken from SocialBlade). The "Stream Party" will last 19 days for each promotional and debut MV of the girls.

The #LoonaStreamParty starts at October 18 with the streaming of the first member HeeJin's MV "ViVid" until they reach the song "Butterfly" at November 6. Each day, the fandom, Orbit, will try to reach and surpass the mark in order to help to pay the debt Polaris Entertainment is facing.

Are you willing to stream LOONA's song on Youtube to help them to pay the debt?
Now instead of #StanLoona, we have #SaveLoona