On October 25, the executive president of 'Kakao Corps' confirmed the company's decision to remove comment features from entertainment news articles and pages.
Furthermore, 'Kakao Corps' also plans to abolish features such as related keyword searches, keywords associated with individuals, etc. The decision came about largely influenced by recent news of the late singer/actress Sulli's passing. 'Kakao Corps's president relayed, "As we realized through recently devastating news, many have come to agree that the degree of defamation which occurs through malicious comments under such entertainment news headlines is critically detrimental to the public online community. Also in the case of related keyword searches, rather than serving their original purpose of providing users with a wide range of helpful, informative content, these keywords only inflict further damage to individuals' characters and even crosses the line of invasion of privacy."
Beginning with this preliminary step, 'Kakao Corps' will continue to seek methods of improving healthy commenting culture within the public online community. Industry insiders will be monitoring this new system in order to determine what influence the move will have in reducing the problematic culture of anonymous, malicious online comments and content.
allkpop needs this 👍
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