Goo Hye Sun revealed she's done talking about Ahn Jae Hyun and divorce on social media.
On October 11, the actress once again took to Instagram to share her thoughts on the personal matter. She shared the message below after posting a photo of someone in a hotel bathrobe and stating she submitted 4 pieces of evidence to court concerning her divorce lawsuit. Goo Hye Sun wrote:
"It's so strange. People think I must have made him crazy even though he wasn't devoted to our marriage, let me find out the situation that made me suspect he was having an affair, and committed violence against me while drunk.
To be honest, I was exhausted from doing housework, so I wasn't able to pay much attention to him. It was the opposite of obsession. He was probably also patient with me, but asking for divorce was a brutal thing to do to me after I'd lived my life while being patient with him. I wanted to keep using social media to show the feelings of betrayal that a person feels after finding out [her husband] has been preparing for divorce for a long time with his agency.
However, we didn't always hate each other during the 3 years we lived together. For a long time, we cherished each other and were happy. That's what made it somewhat difficult for me to accept this situation.
The divorce suit is being processed, and I've been told it takes a long time. Up until now, I hated him and wanted him to be destroyed. Now that I've expressed my rage, he will no longer appear here. Because I don't love him anymore."

''Up until now, I hated him and wanted him to be destroyed. Now that I've expressed my rage, he will no longer appear here. Because I don't love him anymore."
What a crazy ass bitch. Doing all this things just from pure suspicions of him having an affair with no evidence. Destroying his life and trying to get everybody to hate him. This girl deserve no sympathy and should get her ass sued from everyone involved who has been hurt by her.
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