
Rapper Don Mills apologizes for causing controversy over military duties

Posted by Janie-Reign Saturday, September 28, 2019

Rapper Don Mills apologized over his recent controversy related to military service.

A few days ago, an exclusive report uncovered a story about a series of attempts made by Don Mills to allegedly avoid mandatory military service by intentionally gaining weight. On September 28, Don Mills took to Instagram and shared his side of the story regarding the issue.

He wrote, "Since 2013, I've been delaying the enlistment through license exams and flying overseas, and in 2017, I was officially drafted, impelled to enlist immediately in three weeks. I wanted to delay it for my concerts and albums that had already been arranged, but I could not."

"Therefore, I wrongfully thought that I could delay the enlistment, at least temporarily, through reassessments and spot inspection. I believed that everything would be fine if I could enlist later on. It was difficult to prove that there was no purposeful intention in my gaining weight for 5 years, and because I had attempted multiple times to delay the enlistment, I received probation," continued Don Mills. "I also acknowledged my mistakes for trying to delay the enlistment for personal greed, for concert activities, exams, international travels, and due to obesity."

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안녕하세요 던밀스입니다. 먼저 불미스러운 일로 심려 끼쳐드린 점 진심으로 사과드립니다.. 2013년부터 자격증 시험, 해외 출국 등으로 입영 연기를 하였습니다. 2017년 봄 영장이 나왔고, 당장 3주 정도 후 입대를 해야 하는 상황이 되었습니다. 이미 예정된 공연이랑 앨범 등을 마치기 위해 마지막 입영 연기를 하고 싶었으나 연기할 수 있는 사유가 없었습니다. 그래서 재검 신청과 불시 검사를 받는 상당 시간 동안만이라도 입영 연기가 가능하겠다는 잘못된 생각을 하였고 후에 입대하여 군 생활을 하면 문제없을 거라 생각했습니다.. 5년 동안 늘어난 체중에 대하여 고의성이 없음을 입증하기 어렵고 그동안 여러 번 연기를 했던 것들도 문제가 되어 집행유예 선고가 내려졌습니다. 저 또한 저의 개인적인 활동 욕심에 자격증 시험, 해외 출국, 과체중 등으로 입영 연기를 시도한 것이 맞기 때문에 그 잘못을 인정하였습니다. 활동할 시간이 조금만 더 주어지길 간절히 원하였지만 군대를 가지 않아야겠다는 생각을 한 적은 없습니다. 저희 부모님은 두 분 다 군인 출신이십니다. 그러기에 군 생활에 자부심이 있으시고 당연히 군대는 가야 한다는 말씀을 늘 하셨습니다. 비록 불미스러운 일 이후에 부끄러운 군 입대를 했지만 열심히 군 생활을 하고 있다는 사실에 첫 휴가 3박 4일 동안 전투복을 입고 다녔을 정도로 자부심을 느꼈습니다. 대한민국 군인임을 자랑스럽게 생각하며 군 생활만큼은  제 스스로에게 그리고 부대원들에게 부끄럽지 않을 수 있도록 이행 중입니다. 2017년 재판을 준비하는 동안 우리나라의 많은 청년들도 자신의 삶과 꿈 학업 등의 계획을 군대라는 의무를 지키기 위해 중단한다는 것, 군대는 의무이지 권리가 아니라는 걸 늦게나마 다시 한번 깨달았습니다. 저의 경솔한 생각과 행동, 잘못된 선택으로 많은 분들께 심려 끼쳐드린 점 정말 죄송합니다. 그리고 많은 국군 장병들께도 진심으로 죄송합니다. 또 당연한 이야기지만  끝까지 충실히 군 복무를 하며 반성하겠습니다. 죄송합니다.

A post shared by Don Mills gon do it 던밀스 (@donmills1988) on

The rapper concluded that, despite his "shameful enlistment" in the past, he eventually felt great pride at being as a military serviceman when he received his first leave. He alleged that he is proud of being a South Korean officer and that he is now serving in a manner to remain unashamed in front of himself and his fellow troopers. 

He ended the post with an apology, "I am extremely sorry that I caused trouble for my careless thoughts, actions, and wrongful decisions. Also, I am wholeheartedly sorry to all armed officers. And, although this is a given fact, I will reflect on myself as I dutifully finish my military service. I apologize."

What do you think of the issue?

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5 11,300 Share 67% Upvoted
SonnyinLV321 pts Saturday, September 28, 2019 3
Saturday, September 28, 2019

my personal opinion.... total loser. Did whatever he could to get out of serving. He knew when his siging day was and yet continued to make time for concerts etc etc.. 3rd time I've heard this excuse now. When your time comes, sign up immediately and go do it.

2 (+5 / -3)

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pink_oracle27,112 pts Saturday, September 28, 2019 0
Saturday, September 28, 2019

No excuse at all! ALL Korean men put their lives and plans on hold to serve their nation. What made you think you were so special, that your plans meant more then other people's, that your time was more precious then every other soldiers in the country? You're selfish and a coward.

0 (+1 / -1)


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